16.02.2023 – JCMM Conference : Amandine Orsini
On Thursday, February 16th, Amandine Orsini will give a conference for the JCMM entitled: ” L’Union européenne et les jeunes en politique internationale de l’environnement : un ambition partagée ?“. The conference will take place from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. at the Jean-Brillant Pavilion of the Université de Montréal, in room B-4325.
No registration is required.Amandine Orsini is Professor of International Relations at the Université Saint-Louis – Brussels. Since 2022, she is the Director of the Jean Monnet EUGLOBALGREEN Chair on the role of the European Union in the face of the Anthropocene; and a member of the Jean Monnet EUNMUTE Centre of Excellence, where she co-coordinates the environmental policy axis.