Le grand débat: European elections 2019

In the run up to the European elections, TAURUS, the European Association of the Université de Montréal, organes a debate open to the public on May 9 at 6 pm at the Agora of the Jean-Coutu Pavilion at the Université de Montréal (2940 Chemin de Polytechnique, Montreal, QC H3T 1J4).

The programme of the evening:

Welcome at 18h

Presentation of a researcher from the Jean Monnet Centre on European issues


Question and answer period

Informal discussions with the participants around a cocktail reception.

Parties that will be present: Le Mouvement Libéral de la République de Lituanie, La République En Marche, Le Parti Socialiste Français , La France Insoumise , L’Union Populaire Républicaine, Les Républicains et Debout la France

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