Cycle de conférences: “A Cleavage Theory of Partisanship”

Le Centre Jean Monnet a le plaisir d’accueillir, dans le cadre de notre cycle de conférences, en partenariat avec le CECD, Professeure Liesbet Hooghe (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) pour une conférence intitulée : « A Cleavage Theory of Partisanship ». 

L’évènement se déroulera en ligne. La participation est gratuite. Inscrivez-vous ici.

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Le vendredi 16 octobre 2020, 15h00

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Évènement en ligne

Résumé: The rise of a new transnational divide raises fundamental questions about the character of party competition and the causal bases of voting in Europe. We propose a non-parametric measure of the social bases of political parties which allows systematic comparison of behavioral and structural sources of change in composition. We illustrate the utility of the measure in cross-sectional and longitudinal comparison of European parties since 1975 by combining estimates from the Eurobarometer, the European Election Survey, and the European Social Survey in thirty countries. The measure reveals major shifts in the social composition of political parties and party families over the past five decades, and we demonstrate that on the new cleavage green and TAN parties have the most structured partisan preferences.

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