28.03.2023: Simone Veil Talks – Magali Della Sudda
The Jean Monnet Center welcomes Magali Della Sudda from Sciences Po Bordeaux and the CNRS for one of the Simone Veil 2023 Talks.
Over the past decade, the face of the radical right and the far right has changed. The main far-right political groups now have women as leaders or spokespersons. They have won over a female electorate that had long been resistant to their political proposals and has attracted new generations of female activists. This observation, common to most European and North American countries, finds a singular expression in France with the militancy of these “New Women of the Right. They differ from their elders by their sociology, their modes of action and a reactionary rhetoric claiming even the very terms of feminism or even ecology. How then to think these commitments of women against feminists? What concepts and methodologies should be used to document these transformations? How do these nationalist and identity-based commitments fit into broader international dynamics? The conference proposes to reflect on these contemporary evolution from a survey conducted in France between 2014 and 2021 among groups and activists committed to gender equality and now installed in the political field. The conference will take place at the Lionel-Groulx Pavilion in room C-1017-02 on Monday, March 28, 2022, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.