CÉRIUM Summer School – Borders, Flows, and Human Rights in the European Union

The CÉRIUM is organizing a summer school related to European studies titled “PLU6915A – Borders, Flows, and Human Rights in the European Union.” This summer school is part of the off-campus programs organized by CÉRIUM and will take place in Barcelona, Spain, from Sunday, July 7, to Sunday, July 14, 2024.

Course Information: International borders have become a key site and technology for controlling human mobility. This course will focus on how border governance interacts with migration controls in the EU and the impact recent political developments have had on the protection of human rights in member states and collaborating countries. This summer university will be held in Barcelona, Spain, and will be taught in English.

To enroll in this school, you must be pre-selected by the school’s holders. You have until February 16 to submit your application. Please note that registrations are limited to 15 people. To apply, please fill out the following form: here.

For any further questions, please contact Elizabeth Hessek, the school coordinator, at elizabeth.hessek@umontreal.ca.

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