Les vecteurs ‘invisibles’ de l’européanisation : le cas des usages techniques de l’Union européenne dans les politiques d’e-santé en France, en Autriche et en Irlande
Chloé Bérut (Laboratory Printemps, University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) studies the influence of the European Union on national health policies, and more specifically on electronic health (“e-health”) policies. Her research deals with topics relating to European integration as well as the influence of “soft law” on member states.
In this working paper, Chloé demonstrates how the use of European standards by experts in the development of national e-health policies contributes to the integration of their respective countries. Her analysis looks at practices in France, Ireland and Austria, three members of the European Union that diverge in the resources at their disposal and the interest of the actors in using European-made instruments. Chloé’s approach reveals an important mechanism of integration; although it seems to be limited to a very specific technical field, it nevertheless has fundamental consequences on the design of national policies in the countries in question.
Download available Chloé-Bérut-Working-Paper-FINALE_CB1(1) (document in French).