RevUE of Brice Arsène Mankou’s conference proposed by Gaspard Jacquet


“L’Europe et la surveillance des frontières ”, April 3, 2024, with Brise Arsène Mankou (Université de Rouen Normandie).

Conference by Brice Arsène Mankou on ‘L’Europe et la surveillance des frontières,’ lecturer at the University of Rouen-Normandy and Sciences Po Paris, as well as a research associate at the Laboratory for Social Dynamics (Dysolab).

Brice Arsène Mankou’s conference addresses the theme of border surveillance in Europe, highlighting the ethical and technological issues associated with it. The speaker emphasizes how new technologies, especially digitization and digitalization, have transformed the way borders are monitored, enabling increased control over migratory movements. He questions the compatibility of these practices with respect for human rights, particularly questioning who, between the migrant and the protecting state, is actually violating the border. Mr. Mankou’s analytical approach is critical, challenging the morality of restrictive migration policies and the implementation of surveillance systems such as Frontex, the Schengen Information System (SIS), and the European visa information system. He also raises the issue of the stigmatization of migrants through these technological devices, considering them as dangerous elements rather than individuals seeking security or better living conditions. An example cited during the conference is the use of the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) in the United States, comparable to European systems, which collects information about travelers. While this facilitates travel, the speaker questions whether it constitutes a form of disproportionate tracking and control of migrants, which it likely does. Border surveillance in Europe, like the construction of the wall between the United States and Mexico under the Trump administration, raises fundamental questions about humanitarian values and the right to freedom of movement. While technologies offer unprecedented means of controlling migratory flows, they also pose major ethical challenges. It is crucial to find a balance between border security and respect for individuals’ fundamental rights. Brice Arsène Mankou’s reflection calls for a reconsideration of migration policies in light of humanitarian principles and respect for human dignity.

An article from Euronews (2024) demonstrates growing concern in Europe regarding border security and immigration management, illustrated by Austria’s position on expanding the Schengen area to include Romania and Bulgaria. This situation highlights the challenges the EU faces in balancing the free movement of people with the need to control irregular immigration. The focus on strengthening external borders and the role of Frontex reflects the concerns raised by Brice Arsène Mankou in his conference on border surveillance and respect for human rights. Debates over Schengen expansion demonstrate the complexity of border governance in a context of increasing political and social tensions related to immigration in Europe.

Gaspard Jacquet.

Bibliographie :

Zsiros, Sandor. 2024. “L’Autriche S’explique Sur l’Élargissement de Schengen.” Euronews. 19 janvier 2024.

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